Monday, January 2, 2012

First post for 2012

It was a brilliant conclusion to 2011. Friends and a lot fun and frolicking at new house. The best part was that some of them stayed back on the 1st. Sweethearts them folks.

2011 did mark a big change. It made me realize that growing up is not just about age. Age is just a manifestation of time. A lot of things need strong thoughts, actions and good planning for a smooth life. But it ain't as smooth as it seems.

New house happened. Setting up the house is happening. Big change from the habitual time at parent's place. I did stay out for almost 2 years before moving back with parents. But after this 1 year, it is going to be difficult to move out again. Getting used to something is easy.

I am not making resolutions. I don't believe in them.

However, if asked I would definitely  would like to read more books this time around, write more and get better at writing, keep everyone around me happy and have a good time. Looking forward to running my own house soon.

1 comment:

Manash said...

Nice, man. All the best.
For me too, 2011 was crucial. Very. 2012 is going to be even more crucial! I hope to carry out the responsibilities well, and be a better man! Cheers!